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Opening Weekend

For Immediate Release | 6.01.20

The Cascade Collegiate League announced the 2020 Opening Weekend will now be played at
Wolfe Field on June 19-21 in Caldwell, Idaho.

The regular season schedule (originally released on May 1st) has been amended to reflect this new update. The CCL is preparing to honor previously announced dates and venues while building contingency plans should additional changes be required.

Idaho entered the third stage of Governor Brad Little's Idaho Rebounds Plan on May 30th (allowing public and private gatherings of 10-50), which is currently scheduled to run through June 12th. The CCL anticipates its regular season Opening Weekend to take place during Idaho's fourth stage of reopening (after June 13th) when gatherings of more than 50 people, where appropriate physical distancing and precautionary measures are observed can occur.


The decision to move the league's Opening Weekend did not come without considerable deliberation after garnering valuable feedback from players, staff, and college coaches from across the PNW.

"While we do anticipate returning to Washington/Oregon in the weeks ahead, we are extremely grateful for the support we've received from the City of Caldwell and are committed to honoring our original start date while prioritizing the health and safety of all involved in the Cascade Collegiate League."
- CCL Commissioner, Ben Krueger

Working with federal, state and county leadership, the CCL also announced Return to Play physical distancing guidelines and safety protocol required by players, staff and fans.

The Cascade Collegiate League will provide a printed copy of these guidelines posted in each dugout and widely accessible on site.

All individuals entering the stadium (players, staff, fans, media etc.) will be required to answer a series of 3-4 short questions regarding their recent activity. Individuals feeling ill will be asked to refrain from entering the stadium.

Upon arrival, CCL staff is responsible for ensuring:
All players and coaches wash or sanitize their hands and that all gates, benches, poles, and areas of common entry and exit are sanitized.

Players and coaches should adhere to social distancing guidelines (maintaining at least 6 feet of physical distance) while warming up for each contest.

Umpires will be provided a copy of these guidelines to review at home plate before each contest and coaches will be asked if their teams have successfully honored and satisfied these requirements before the start of every game.

Remain 6 feet from players (when possible).
Plate umpire: Asked to wear a mask (covering nose and mouth) and gloves.

No tobacco products, sunflower seeds, gum, or spitting allowed by players, coaches or umpires.
Players will not be allowed to go to their mouth to improve their grip on the ball.
Players will be required to provide their own clearly marked water or sports drink containers (not to be shared with others).
Players will be asked not to share equipment: Gloves, batting gloves, helmets, bats, etc. Equipment should stay in players' bags when not currently in use.

Between Innings
The baseballs will be spray sanitized and towel-dried by the plate umpire after each defensive inning.

Player Gathering
Maximum of 5 players and coaches in the dugout at one time.
On Offense: Current batter, on-deck batter and player due up third in the order will use the dugout to prepare for their at-bat (grab bats, helmets, batting gloves from their bags).
On Defense: Maximum of 5 players and coaches in the dugout at one time.
Players not in the dugout congregate outside of the dugout while maintaining 6 feet of physical distance. Suggested areas include, but are not limited to: Bullpen, bleachers (or area behind each team's respective dugout), lined up outside the fence along the foul line, etc. (based on field/venue configuration). 
Celebrations: Refrain from physical contact; Maintain 6 feet of physical distance.

No post-game handshakes following each contest.
Manager for each affiliate is responsible for sanitizing 
gates, benches, poles, and areas of common entry upon exiting.
Each team will quickly exit the facility at the conclusion of each contest, staggered one before the other. Each new team must wait until all players and staff have exited to enter the facility, staggered one before the other.
Manager for each affiliate will then follow pre-game sanitization protocol.

Fan Policy
Fans who attend each contest will be required to adhere to the following guidelines:
Sit or stand with those they came with while maintaining at least 6 feet of physical distance between one another.
Refrain from sitting or standing directly behind each dugout (where players are designated to be).
Adhere to any additional guideline(s) and/or protocol mandated by the host venue.

Participation Requirements
All players who participate in the Cascade Collegiate League will be required to sign a concussion and liability waiver, which may include verbiage surrounding COVID-19.

Important Notes
These guidelines and protocol represent the minimum baseline for the Cascade Collegiate League Return to Play. Restrictions may be lifted or strengthened throughout the course of the year.

Additional guidelines and protocol may be introduced and adopted by the CCL from federal, state and county leaders in the weeks leading up to and throughout the regular season.

Wolfe Field | Caldwell, ID

The first baseball field in the State of Idaho with an artificial turf infield, Wolfe Field Baseball Stadium has evolved into one of the premier venues to watch baseball in the Gem State.

Initially constructed in 2009 as a joint partnership between the City of Caldwell and the College of Idaho, Wolfe Field has served as the home of both the Coyote baseball program and the Caldwell American Legion baseball programs.

In 2015, a seating bowl was constructed, with nearly 1,000 individual purple seat backs available for fans, while in 2018, a new courtyard, concession stand, press box, restrooms and a coaches office were all opened.

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